XRD (X-Ray Diffractometer)
X-ray diffraction is a non-destructive analysis method that allows for the determination of the crystallographic properties of materials and the phases they contain. By applying X-ray diffraction to powder samples, characteristics such as crystal structure, grain size, and preferred orientation can be determined. Additionally, comparing the data obtained from the analysis of samples with unknown phases to the relevant database allows for the identification of the phases contained in the sample. Using methods such as Rietveld analysis, the relative quantitative ratios of compounds present in the sample can be determined.
Equipment Specifications
PW3040 device compartment with microprocessor system, measurement and control electronic equipment, and high-voltage generator
PW3050/6x goniometer
X-ray tube mounted on the goniometer
Optical units for incoming and diffracted rays
Sample compartment
Detector measuring the intensity of diffracted X-rays
Cu-Kα X-ray tube, Maximum voltage: 60 kV, Maximum current: 55 mA
Applied Analyses
Phase analysis of samples with flat or irregular surfaces, thin films, or samples contained in glass tubes
Opportunity to perform quantitative analysis of samples in groups
Crystallography and Rietveld analyses of samples with flat or irregular surfaces and powder samples in glass tubes
Residual stress analysis of flat samples and irregularly shaped materials
Reflectometry analysis in thin layers and coated materials
High-resolution topography analysis on single crystal materials
Texture analysis of materials with preferred orientation
Opportunity to perform analysis in small areas on heterogeneous samples
In-plane diffraction in thin film
Measurement of transitions in samples between foils
Analysis of changes in crystal structure caused by varying environmental conditions
High-speed X-ray diffraction for automatic analysis of numerous samples